Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Lately in Class...

This semester has already been so busy and there is still so much to do this week. I wake up in the morning ready to start my day and next thing I know I am tired ready to just lie down. There is so much to do this semester that thinking about it makes want to just crawl under a blanket and let it all pass by. Wake me up when the semester is over?

Something exciting that I am doing this semester is taking TMA 367 which is the second makeup class. So far it has been challenging and fun. I get to go to class and learn new techniques and improve my skills in something I love. What more can I ask from a class? Here are some of my latest projects and there will for sure be more to come. 

The lovely Caitlin was my model for two makeups. She went from the young freshman to a middle aged women but she never stopped smiling!
Then I turned her into a broken China doll. Something may be broken but there's always beauty in it. 

This next one was probably my favorite one. Opera makeup. I want to do more of it because it can look weird up close but from away it looks pretty awesome. I don't remember my model's name....oops...
I took the character Dr. Bartolo from the Barber of Seville. I basically wanted to say old and crazy through the makeup. When I was able to get close to his face I thought "I love those wrinkles!" I never thought I would say that but his face was awesome to work on for this makeup. All he needs is gray and white hair and BAM you have a crazy old guy.  

On another note I have a mustache thanks to Marquie. 

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