It made me think that sometimes things happen in our life and we may not know why it happened but we just have to believe that it will all make sense one day.
A couple of months ago I was going through that "why did this happen to me" phase. I was pretty much in a hole and couldn't get out of the confusion. I did the only thing that I could think about, just ignore it and move on. I have to say that was probably the best decision. I went on with life, enjoyed my summer, and tried to live everyday to it's fullest.
But does everything really happen for a reason? I haven't gotten to that point in my life where I can say "that choice" was for the better. I can't even say that about my choice of college and I'm in my second year. I keep thinking in the back of my mind "what if" of basically every confusing situation I have been in.
One thing is for sure though one day I will know why crappy things happen in life. Not tomorrow, or the next day, or next week but one day. In Doctrine and Covenants it says "He that is faithful and endureth shall overcome the world." (63:47) That is one of my favorite scriptures because it's so simple and just gets to the point. We can get through this crazy world with all the weird, hard, crazy and insane it throws at us. One it will all make sense.
Okay I am off. Have to get some rest. As my roommate will tell me, "make good choices and remember who you are".
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