I have been working on a blog post for a while but it's not ready to be reveled. So what has been new you may ask? Obama is reelected!!! That's what's new! As an Obama supporter I am very happy that he will be the president of the United States for another four years. After it was announced that he received more than 270 electoral votes people were going crazy on facebook either very happy or disappointed. I attended an election party at school and I thought that Obama supporters would only be a small minority at this event but I was rather shocked. When Obama won Oregon, my home state, I was going crazy. Then when they announced he was reelected I went even more crazy. Obama won Ohio, Colorado, and Nevada which were 3 states that were a tossup. I do have to say that both Romney and Obama ran a really good campaign. Romney's speech later in the evening I thought was really good. Today the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints released a statement about the election results. They congratulated President Obama winning the election and asked members to now come together and pray for the president and other nation leaders. Once again another example the LDS church does not take sides but rather encourages it's members to be political aware.
At school today people were "mourning" the loss of Romney. Seriously? It's not the end of the world. So the United States is not getting a Mormon President it's okay. President Obama is going to continue to help our country grow, well that's my opinion. I was just happy I was able to vote this year. I voted as an Oregonian and a proud one as a matter of fact! My vote of course would not have mattered in Utah at all. It's so red here and I don't mean the mountains. I miss my blue, liberal state.
So as you can tell in the picture I was overwhelmed with excitement of the election results. Okay enough about last night events.
School has been crazy, stressful and basically making me want to ripe my hair off (get the picture). In exactly two weeks I will be home with my family and that's what I am looking forward too. I also get to see my nephew Jared! I am one happy tia! After Thanksgiving everything is going to go by so fast. Two weeks of school and then finals! Not to mention California!
Oh the last home football game is this Saturday! I am so sad that the marching band season is coming to an end:( I have had so many fun memories this season but I am looking forward to more free time next semester. This season definitely topped last season! We performed James Bond! It was a blast and I am already excited about next season but a much needed break is good.
Well my fellow readers it's time for me to leave you until next time. Look for next post which is a very important concern/topic to me. And remember as Fredrick Douglass once said, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress."
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