People on Facebook began to freak out. Asking me what happened to me. I was sitting at my computer laughing. Everyone thought it was real which is exactly what I was going for. Although people probably thought my friend who posted " it!" was crazy but I saw it as a compliment. I walked around campus looking beat up and my peers were just staring I guess in shock and confusion. In one of my classes this girl came up to me saying, "Oh my gosh what happened to you!! Are you okay?!?!?!? Does it hurt!!!!". I started laughing and she looked confused until I told her it was makeup. I walked home like this and finally decided to take it off....
I had to use floss to take off the putty. And there you go! I clean, happy, not beat up face! For that day my assignment in my theater makeup class we had to do three different injuries. Some girls in my class did a bullet hole, open wounds, burns, an iron burn (very creative) and other injuries. It was probably my favorite day so far in makeup class. I was very pleased with my nose. During the practice day my nose would not form. I kept having trouble with it and wanted to give up but I was determined to make a "wonderful" broken nose. Graded day finally came and my nose took the longest. I struggled at the beginning but I was able to create a really "good" broken nose. It was hard also after I formed it because the putty was much lighter than my skin tone, hence all the red I put around it. The cut on the nose was something extra the TA suggested which made it more realistic. My teacher was very impressed with my nose and I received a very good score on my assignment. I then walked around campus showing off my "art".
The following week it was HALLOWEEN! Perfect timing to use my new skills. I decided to go for a "zombie" look. It was more like using different techniques that were fun to do. I then created this....
One thing I did different was use liquid latex and tissues to create texture on my face. At first I was scared to use liquid latex. In class we used it to create wrinkles and we aged ourselves about 10 years (it was freaky). I got the hand of it and started to have fun with it. I didn't go the whole day with this look because I didn't want to show up to class with a torn up face. But I did go to marching band practice looking wonderful. On the drive there whenever I was at a red light people in the car over and stared and I stared back. I guess I was just that good looking that day.
After marching band practice a friend wanted me to do his makeup similar to mine. I only had less than 30 minutes!! I rushed home got my "station" ready. I usually give myself at least an hour because I like to take my time but I think it turned out pretty good. You be the judge.
He was a dancing zombie!
Although it was been fun playing with putty and liquid latex and making myself look creepy I think I will stick to my everyday makeup. If I want to experiment I will do a bright lip or change up my eye shadow but not give myself a black eye or broken nose.
I'm really stoked for my next assignment! Let's just say I will be celebrating Dia de los Muertos a little late this year...
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