The other day I had someone tell me they were jealous of me because I get to live in Oregon. They thought it was such a beautiful place and wanted to go back there someday. After that conversation I began thinking about good old Oregon. Oregon is not where I was born actually. I was born in Southern California and lived there the first 12 years of my life but I don't call it home anymore. Oregon is my home now.
I remember when I first moved to Oregon I hated it and I just wanted to go back to California. I didn't take the time to appreciate the beauty that was around. Well thank goodness I grew up and realized the amazing place my parents dragged me to seven years ago.
So what makes Oregon the best the place to in? I shall try to convince you but maybe you might have to go see it yourself....
Well in the area I live in there is green everywhere meaning there are endless fields, trees (big and small), mountains in the distance and moss everywhere (even on the trees!) It does rain a lot in Oregon but then that makes everything green and beautiful! Especially after spring showers you get to see all the pretty flowers blossom. I didn't see that much of that in Southern California. It's really different than another place I have been at. I currently live in Provo, Utah and let me tell you Utah doesn't have anything compare to Oregon. I personally think that the mountains look ugly without snow and there isn't green scenery. If I wasn't busy with school and marching band I think I would be depressed from the view. I guess people would think that about Oregon because it rains there a lot and it's always cloudy that people get depressed. I never felt depressed living in constant rain. I actually love the rain! Well Oregon rain that is. Utah rain is just gross. I love the smell after it rains and how the air feels. If you haven't been to Oregon you should take a trip there to really experience what I'm talking about.
So while you are exploring Portland in the near future stop by and get some Voodoo! That is Voodoo doughnuts. They are basically the most unique doughnuts I have ever seen and the store is one of kind itself. While my older sister visited Oregon this past summer we stopped in downtown Portland to grab some Voodoo. You at least have to go once in your life.
So what makes Oregon the best the place to in? I shall try to convince you but maybe you might have to go see it yourself....
Well in the area I live in there is green everywhere meaning there are endless fields, trees (big and small), mountains in the distance and moss everywhere (even on the trees!) It does rain a lot in Oregon but then that makes everything green and beautiful! Especially after spring showers you get to see all the pretty flowers blossom. I didn't see that much of that in Southern California. It's really different than another place I have been at. I currently live in Provo, Utah and let me tell you Utah doesn't have anything compare to Oregon. I personally think that the mountains look ugly without snow and there isn't green scenery. If I wasn't busy with school and marching band I think I would be depressed from the view. I guess people would think that about Oregon because it rains there a lot and it's always cloudy that people get depressed. I never felt depressed living in constant rain. I actually love the rain! Well Oregon rain that is. Utah rain is just gross. I love the smell after it rains and how the air feels. If you haven't been to Oregon you should take a trip there to really experience what I'm talking about.
Unique and WEIRD
Maybe you have heard but Portland is weird. And yes there is really the thing of "Keep Portland Weird". Have you seen Portlandia yet? Go watch it. It's on Netflex. It's really accurate on how weird and unique Portland is. I know I'm not from Portland but hey it's still Oregon and I love it.
When I came to Utah I had to have my Tillamook cheese. All the other cheese tasted gross to me. I eventually started to buy Tillamook ice cream, butter, yo gurt and even butter. If you haven't heard of Tillamook cheese where have you been? I remember growing up there would be TV commercials in Southern California about happy cows coming from California. Yeah don't believe that. Tillamook dairy products are much better. Oh and the Tillamook cheese factory is pretty awesome too! I love the free samples:) I love going to the cheese factory because they have every type of ice cream flavor. My favorite so far? Grandma's Cake Batter but sadly I haven't found any here in Utah. I did buy some Oregon Strawberry the other because I was feeling a little homesick. Oh there's nothing better than Tillamook ice cream. BYU creamery can't compare.
But most importantly the reason why I love Oregon the most is my family. We are just missing one person in Oregon and that is my older sister. We all wish she was up there with us. Recently we had a new addition to our family, my baby nephew Jared! I'm just going to be honest I have the cutest nephew:) I miss my family the most and I can't wait to go back home to see them along with beautiful Oregon.
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