First of all I am not a horrible person. I just see things differently than the majority of my peers. I have lived a differently life than most people here at BYU and I take those experiences and try to apply them to my political stance. Also being part of a specific political party does not make a person good or bad. I was once told that the Bible is more conservative. I replied with you can't put a man's label on the word of God.
Secondly just because I am Mormon and so is Mitt Romney does mean I have to support him. He is a politician that's it. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not: "Endorse, promote or oppose political parties, candidates or platforms,...Attempt to direct its members as to which candidate or party they should give their votes to," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does: "Encourage its members to play a role as responsible citizens in their communities, including becoming informed about issues and voting in elections, Expect its members to engage in the political process in an informed and civil manner, respecting the fact that members of the Church come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and may have differences of opinion in partisan political matters...." So as a Mormon I am encouraged to be politically involved, informed, and vote. The LDS church does not support a specific political party or candidate. So there just because Romney and I attend the same church does not mean I have to vote for him.
Thirdly President Barack Obama has done many things for our country over the past four years. If you haven't seen it then your blind and you need to read more and pay attention to the country you live in. Healthcare, it affects us all. With Obamacare students like me can still be on their parents health insurance until they are 26 years old. I'm sorry but for me that's a big deal especially going to school out of state and away from my parents. Oh and people say the unemployment rate has not gone down? Well it has in a very slow rate and yes that is progress. You can't expect the economy to be fixed very quickly, it's a slow process. Immigration you may be wondering? Well I come an immigrant family so I take this very seriously. Immigration is a very serious issue and the answer is not self deportation like Romney has talked about. President Obama announced a policy that will not allow young immigrants to be deported due to their parents choices. He supports the DREAM Act which will allow young immigrants to gain residency after they graduate college or serve in the military. Don't get me started about what he has done for high education. Pell grants have increased and that has affected me so much! Some Americans are not able to afford a college education alone but have the same desire to get an education as someone who can. He as has encouraged many young Americans to go out and go to college to be educated.
Maybe some people won't understand why I support Barack Obama but I just wanted to let people know why I am voting for him in two weeks. The United States needs a president who will consider not only who voted for him but everyone in the country. And please don't go around saying if any Mormons support Barack Obama they are horrible people, don't have a strong testimony of the gospel or they're going to hell. As me for I already feel like an outsider here in Utah for being Mexican I don't want to feel even more different due to my political views. Also don't tell me that I should vote for Mitt Romney because I made that decision a long time ago.
Great job. It is people like you who are willing to understand the issues and look at them rather than follow party lines or what their peers think. Keep up the work Celia.
ReplyDelete"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -- Voltaire
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad that when anyone disagrees with Obama though, we are labeled as racist and intolerant.