Well you guessed it. I am in the middle of finals. I have two more to do and I just wish I didn't have to do them. This semester has been the hardest so far and at times it has not been fun. Tomorrow after 6pm I will be done. Actually I have a band final tomorrow night at 7 but does that really count? I am going to wake up on Friday morning without any worry except packing because on Monday I leave for San Diego!!! I can't wait to be in sunny California. Being in the marching band has it's perks. It will be 4 eventful days and I can't wait!
Before then I have two more finals. I have to clean and pack. Not to mention treating myself this weekend with a much needed manicure and pedicure this weekend. So there's lots to do before Monday.
Then next Friday I will be on a plane on the way to Oregon. I can't wait until I go home and spend Christmas with my family. I'm looking forward as well to the new year. I have some goals I want to try to achieve this coming year. I will blog about those later. Well as for now I have to go study. Tomorrow night I will go to bed without any worries about school.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Home Sweet Home
No I am not home yet. I first have to go California then I will go to Oregon but I just want to take some time to reflect on home.
The other day I had someone tell me they were jealous of me because I get to live in Oregon. They thought it was such a beautiful place and wanted to go back there someday. After that conversation I began thinking about good old Oregon. Oregon is not where I was born actually. I was born in Southern California and lived there the first 12 years of my life but I don't call it home anymore. Oregon is my home now.
I remember when I first moved to Oregon I hated it and I just wanted to go back to California. I didn't take the time to appreciate the beauty that was around. Well thank goodness I grew up and realized the amazing place my parents dragged me to seven years ago.
So what makes Oregon the best the place to in? I shall try to convince you but maybe you might have to go see it yourself....
Well in the area I live in there is green everywhere meaning there are endless fields, trees (big and small), mountains in the distance and moss everywhere (even on the trees!) It does rain a lot in Oregon but then that makes everything green and beautiful! Especially after spring showers you get to see all the pretty flowers blossom. I didn't see that much of that in Southern California. It's really different than another place I have been at. I currently live in Provo, Utah and let me tell you Utah doesn't have anything compare to Oregon. I personally think that the mountains look ugly without snow and there isn't green scenery. If I wasn't busy with school and marching band I think I would be depressed from the view. I guess people would think that about Oregon because it rains there a lot and it's always cloudy that people get depressed. I never felt depressed living in constant rain. I actually love the rain! Well Oregon rain that is. Utah rain is just gross. I love the smell after it rains and how the air feels. If you haven't been to Oregon you should take a trip there to really experience what I'm talking about.
So while you are exploring Portland in the near future stop by and get some Voodoo! That is Voodoo doughnuts. They are basically the most unique doughnuts I have ever seen and the store is one of kind itself. While my older sister visited Oregon this past summer we stopped in downtown Portland to grab some Voodoo. You at least have to go once in your life.
So what makes Oregon the best the place to in? I shall try to convince you but maybe you might have to go see it yourself....
Well in the area I live in there is green everywhere meaning there are endless fields, trees (big and small), mountains in the distance and moss everywhere (even on the trees!) It does rain a lot in Oregon but then that makes everything green and beautiful! Especially after spring showers you get to see all the pretty flowers blossom. I didn't see that much of that in Southern California. It's really different than another place I have been at. I currently live in Provo, Utah and let me tell you Utah doesn't have anything compare to Oregon. I personally think that the mountains look ugly without snow and there isn't green scenery. If I wasn't busy with school and marching band I think I would be depressed from the view. I guess people would think that about Oregon because it rains there a lot and it's always cloudy that people get depressed. I never felt depressed living in constant rain. I actually love the rain! Well Oregon rain that is. Utah rain is just gross. I love the smell after it rains and how the air feels. If you haven't been to Oregon you should take a trip there to really experience what I'm talking about.
Unique and WEIRD
Maybe you have heard but Portland is weird. And yes there is really the thing of "Keep Portland Weird". Have you seen Portlandia yet? Go watch it. It's on Netflex. It's really accurate on how weird and unique Portland is. I know I'm not from Portland but hey it's still Oregon and I love it.
When I came to Utah I had to have my Tillamook cheese. All the other cheese tasted gross to me. I eventually started to buy Tillamook ice cream, butter, yo gurt and even butter. If you haven't heard of Tillamook cheese where have you been? I remember growing up there would be TV commercials in Southern California about happy cows coming from California. Yeah don't believe that. Tillamook dairy products are much better. Oh and the Tillamook cheese factory is pretty awesome too! I love the free samples:) I love going to the cheese factory because they have every type of ice cream flavor. My favorite so far? Grandma's Cake Batter but sadly I haven't found any here in Utah. I did buy some Oregon Strawberry the other because I was feeling a little homesick. Oh there's nothing better than Tillamook ice cream. BYU creamery can't compare.
But most importantly the reason why I love Oregon the most is my family. We are just missing one person in Oregon and that is my older sister. We all wish she was up there with us. Recently we had a new addition to our family, my baby nephew Jared! I'm just going to be honest I have the cutest nephew:) I miss my family the most and I can't wait to go back home to see them along with beautiful Oregon.
Friday, December 7, 2012
It's Almost Over
Life has been crazy this past week. Classes ended yesterday but finals start on Monday. At this point I'm thinking "I want this to be over now!" These past two weeks since Thanksgiving has been the most stressful. This week I have written 3 papers and had some nights where I only got 1 to 4 hours of sleep. On Wednesday night I just crashed on bed. I didn't change out of my clothes. That's how tired I was. I honestly feel like I am going to explode from all the stress but thank goodness a week from today my winter break will start!
This winter break is going to be really fun and I can't wait! The marching band is going to California for the bowl game and we will spend 4 days in sunny San Diego. We went our the schedule last week and we to do so many things. It's going to be a very busy 4 days but I can handle that. One thing for sure that will be an adventure is the night after the game. I get to spend the night at the airport with other band members who are flying out. Hopefully I can sleep that night. Not to mention my flight is not until Friday at 12:30 in the afternoon.
One thing is for I can't wait until Christmas! I can't wait until I get to see my amazing family and see my baby nephew again. I will be spending two weeks in Oregon before the semester starts again and it will be a glorious two weeks where I don't have to do any homework or papers. Although I will be honest I'm already looking forward to next semester and all the crazy things that will happen.
Well my fellow readers the times has come to part for now. Wish me luck on my finals. And remember as Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "We are wiser than we know." (Finals are going to make us think other wise)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
When is it going to end?
So next week is the last week of the semester and I'm not ready. I have 3 major papers due next week. I have a guitar final next Wednesday and then finals the following week. Oh and I just got back from Oregon yesterday. Not to mention I had a 3 hour layover in Reno. I don't like airports now. I think the next 3 weeks I am going to live off caffeine and sugar to get through each day. On December 15th I am going to wake up with no homework or finals to worry about and I will be so happy!! Then it's off to San Diego for the bowl game and then Oregon for Christmas! I'm just trying to look toward the end so I get through this. I am going t go crazy but that's okay I am in college it's acceptable. So I am off now to study and write my papers. Oh life is crazy but I'm trying to love every second of it.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
A Day of Thanks
So today is Thanksgiving. I can blog about how American's do not really know about the true Thanksgiving and how we believe in such myths but I rather not. I rather blog about what I am thankful for and Why I am thankful.
I am currently home in good old Salem Oregon with my wonderful family. I arrived in Portland from Salt Lake City on Monday night. The past two days have been just relaxing and enjoying each other company. I was able Tuesday afternoon to meet me baby nephew Jared! He is the cutest little baby in the world! I was so happy to finally meet him in person. Skype and pictures are not the same.
At the moment I am waiting for dinner to be ready so I can gobble down all the yummy food! This year like many years int he past we will be having the missionaries from my parents branch over for dinner. Along with them my grandfather should be here but he must still be traveling. My family as well are expecting my aunt and uncle who are probably flying into Portland as I type this. Then tomorrow, well I will just leave at that....
Today a lot of people talk about what they are thankful for because it is Thanksgiving. I just want to say that today should not be the only day out of the year to express how thankful we are for our many blessings. So now the question is what I am thankful for? Oh the list can go on and on. One thing that I am thankful for is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the restored gospel I am able to be blessed with so many things. I am thankful for my eternal family. I am thankful I have been given the opportunity to go to a school and for those people who has provided that opportunity financially for me. I am thankful for my friends especially at school who have helped in ways they may not even know. The list can go on and on so how about I do one....
- Jesus Christ
- The restored Gospel
- Family
- The Atonement
- An education
- Friends
- A roof over me head- in Utah and in Salem
- The Priesthood power
- Food
- My cozy bed
- My Shoes
- My warm coats
- Music
- Airplanes - they get me home to my family:)
- Running water
- Books
- My car
- Trials
- My saxophone
- The ability to touch, smell, hear, and taste
- Movies
- TV
- Love
- Warm gloves
- a washer and dryer
- Marching Band
(I think I will keep on adding when I recognize more things)
Lets not forget all our "little" blessings and take President Eyring's counsel, "It is a challenge to count our blessings because we have a tendency to take good things for granted."
Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh and Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 16, 2012
Cold, Football, Marching Band
So I can now say I have marched snow, ice and in below freezing weather. Saturday was the last home football game and I was very happy it was the only game that was in such cold weather. I layered so much under my uniform but I think that wasn’t enough. At our practice field it wasn’t cleared as well as the football field. When we practice Pre Game it would have been very interesting to watch from above because it was horrible. We all focused on trying not to slip and fall instead of where we were going. Oh not to mention it was so cold that steam was coming out of my mouthpiece after I took it out of my mouth. It was a fun evening you can say. Luckily it did not snow until the end of the game. By the time I left the stadium it was snowing constantly.
But good news…..the football team is going to the Poinsettia Bowl in San Diego next month!! I’m so stoked! We’re going to be heading down there of course to cheer on the team. My parents said they wanted to go but also to spend time with Magy who as well wants to see me. At this point I’m really looking forward to the bowl game because that means it’s Christmas break and the semester will be over! But oh boy there is a lot to before then. I have 3 papers to write and not to mention studying for finals. It’s going to be a very long and stressful 4 weeks.
On a happy note I’m going home on Monday to Oregon! I can’t wait to see my nephew and the rest of my family. Right now that’s the only that is keeping me going. Also at this moment I have very little sleep. I finished a paper at 3:30 in the morning and woke around 9. I am not in the mood to do anything right now but I’m at school of course. Later tonight you can find me on the couch passed.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Life thus far
I have been working on a blog post for a while but it's not ready to be reveled. So what has been new you may ask? Obama is reelected!!! That's what's new! As an Obama supporter I am very happy that he will be the president of the United States for another four years. After it was announced that he received more than 270 electoral votes people were going crazy on facebook either very happy or disappointed. I attended an election party at school and I thought that Obama supporters would only be a small minority at this event but I was rather shocked. When Obama won Oregon, my home state, I was going crazy. Then when they announced he was reelected I went even more crazy. Obama won Ohio, Colorado, and Nevada which were 3 states that were a tossup. I do have to say that both Romney and Obama ran a really good campaign. Romney's speech later in the evening I thought was really good. Today the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints released a statement about the election results. They congratulated President Obama winning the election and asked members to now come together and pray for the president and other nation leaders. Once again another example the LDS church does not take sides but rather encourages it's members to be political aware.
At school today people were "mourning" the loss of Romney. Seriously? It's not the end of the world. So the United States is not getting a Mormon President it's okay. President Obama is going to continue to help our country grow, well that's my opinion. I was just happy I was able to vote this year. I voted as an Oregonian and a proud one as a matter of fact! My vote of course would not have mattered in Utah at all. It's so red here and I don't mean the mountains. I miss my blue, liberal state.
So as you can tell in the picture I was overwhelmed with excitement of the election results. Okay enough about last night events.
School has been crazy, stressful and basically making me want to ripe my hair off (get the picture). In exactly two weeks I will be home with my family and that's what I am looking forward too. I also get to see my nephew Jared! I am one happy tia! After Thanksgiving everything is going to go by so fast. Two weeks of school and then finals! Not to mention California!
Oh the last home football game is this Saturday! I am so sad that the marching band season is coming to an end:( I have had so many fun memories this season but I am looking forward to more free time next semester. This season definitely topped last season! We performed James Bond! It was a blast and I am already excited about next season but a much needed break is good.
Well my fellow readers it's time for me to leave you until next time. Look for next post which is a very important concern/topic to me. And remember as Fredrick Douglass once said, "If there is no struggle, there is no progress."
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
So I haven’t written anything since last’s weeks post about me supporting Obama. I just hope I didn’t offend anyone. I just wanted to let the cyber would know what I thought.
Maybe you’re wondering if I have died yet from midterms, homework and school. The answer is not yet! I have two more midterms total for the semester. I’m taking one today and I have another one sometime next week. It’s crazy to think that tomorrow is the last day of October and then we will head into November. This semester has really gone by fast.
Good news I will be going home to Oregon for Thanksgiving! I am so happy and I can’t wait! I have countdown on my computer too. I’m really looking forward to seeing my family and especially my nephew Jared who was born last month! Also my mom’s food which I have been wanting since I got here to Utah.
Although I am looking more to Christmas break because that would probably include California but only if the football team wins one more game which they need for the bowl game. This year we have a 3 week Christmas break which I’m rally stoked about. The last day of finals is December 14th and the first day of winter semester is the January 7th.
On Sunday night I stayed up until midnight to register for winter semester classes. I almost got all the classes I wanted. I am on the waitlist for the second class of American Humanities which I do want but at the same time I don’t. Next semester I’m actually starting classes for my minor which is music. I should probably go to the school of music and declare it. Private lessons are going to make me broke next semester. I hope to find a job though. On Mondays and Wednesdays I don’t have any classes until wither 5 or 6 in the evening and on Fridays I don’t have any classes which is good because I have open blocks to work. I have goals for next semester that I want to achieve and I post them during winter break. Maybe posting them for the cyber world to see might motivate me to actually do them.
Anyways I have to finish studying for a midterm that I need to take today. And remember my friends as Thoreau once said, "Never look back unless you are planning to go that way."
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
A Mormon voting for Obama
So election day is coming up soon. Actually two weeks from today it will be November 6th. Crazy to think how fast it has come up. Since I spoken openly about my political views, more like came to realize where I political stand, I have been given a lot of crap. I support Barack Obama to be reelected to be the president of the United States. Does that mean I am Democrat? But I'm a Mormon? Yes I am Mormon Democrat. Going to school here at BYU where is it very conservative I have been told I am a horrible person, I should support Mitt Romney because he's Mormon too, and Obama has done no good for country.
First of all I am not a horrible person. I just see things differently than the majority of my peers. I have lived a differently life than most people here at BYU and I take those experiences and try to apply them to my political stance. Also being part of a specific political party does not make a person good or bad. I was once told that the Bible is more conservative. I replied with you can't put a man's label on the word of God.
Secondly just because I am Mormon and so is Mitt Romney does mean I have to support him. He is a politician that's it. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does not: "Endorse, promote or oppose political parties, candidates or platforms,...Attempt to direct its members as to which candidate or party they should give their votes to," The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints does: "Encourage its members to play a role as responsible citizens in their communities, including becoming informed about issues and voting in elections, Expect its members to engage in the political process in an informed and civil manner, respecting the fact that members of the Church come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences and may have differences of opinion in partisan political matters...." So as a Mormon I am encouraged to be politically involved, informed, and vote. The LDS church does not support a specific political party or candidate. So there just because Romney and I attend the same church does not mean I have to vote for him.
Thirdly President Barack Obama has done many things for our country over the past four years. If you haven't seen it then your blind and you need to read more and pay attention to the country you live in. Healthcare, it affects us all. With Obamacare students like me can still be on their parents health insurance until they are 26 years old. I'm sorry but for me that's a big deal especially going to school out of state and away from my parents. Oh and people say the unemployment rate has not gone down? Well it has in a very slow rate and yes that is progress. You can't expect the economy to be fixed very quickly, it's a slow process. Immigration you may be wondering? Well I come an immigrant family so I take this very seriously. Immigration is a very serious issue and the answer is not self deportation like Romney has talked about. President Obama announced a policy that will not allow young immigrants to be deported due to their parents choices. He supports the DREAM Act which will allow young immigrants to gain residency after they graduate college or serve in the military. Don't get me started about what he has done for high education. Pell grants have increased and that has affected me so much! Some Americans are not able to afford a college education alone but have the same desire to get an education as someone who can. He as has encouraged many young Americans to go out and go to college to be educated.
Maybe some people won't understand why I support Barack Obama but I just wanted to let people know why I am voting for him in two weeks. The United States needs a president who will consider not only who voted for him but everyone in the country. And please don't go around saying if any Mormons support Barack Obama they are horrible people, don't have a strong testimony of the gospel or they're going to hell. As me for I already feel like an outsider here in Utah for being Mexican I don't want to feel even more different due to my political views. Also don't tell me that I should vote for Mitt Romney because I made that decision a long time ago.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Just have to take my own advice
Yesterday I went visiting teaching and my companion shared a scripture from Mosiah and I think it's Mosiah 16:9 and it reads "He is the light and the life of the world, yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death." We then talked about how we can be a light in the world. We said we could say hello more often and look out for our fellow men. On a personal aspect we could look past the bad and negative things in our life and looked toward the positive and good things. I'm the one who said that too and now I have to take my own advice.
Sometimes in our lives we get hurt and it can be hard to just forget or get over it. Recently I have felt like this. Instead of feeling sad and mad I'm just going to see the positive in my life. I have to look past it.
I also have to thank the people in my life who are there for me when I go through crap. This morning my roommate made me breakfast and made my lunch because I mess basically. Last night she heard me complain until I feel asleep. Sometimes we don't understand how blessed we are until we go through trials. Maybe this as well is a lesson for me to remember to be thankful everyday for all the blessings God has given me. Oh I almost forgot about something else! Parking is crazy at school and I was telling my roommate as I was driving into the parking lot that I just wanted to find a spot fast if not I would cry because of last night and parking. She told she would pray to find a parking spot easily. Well the first row I turned into there was a spot! She then proceeded to pray to thank God for answer her prayer. God answers even the littlest of prayers!
Well that is enough of a ramble for me today. I'm going to keep my chin up and look toward the positive things in my life. As some would say "Everything is going to be alright maybe not today but eventually."
Sometimes in our lives we get hurt and it can be hard to just forget or get over it. Recently I have felt like this. Instead of feeling sad and mad I'm just going to see the positive in my life. I have to look past it.
I also have to thank the people in my life who are there for me when I go through crap. This morning my roommate made me breakfast and made my lunch because I mess basically. Last night she heard me complain until I feel asleep. Sometimes we don't understand how blessed we are until we go through trials. Maybe this as well is a lesson for me to remember to be thankful everyday for all the blessings God has given me. Oh I almost forgot about something else! Parking is crazy at school and I was telling my roommate as I was driving into the parking lot that I just wanted to find a spot fast if not I would cry because of last night and parking. She told she would pray to find a parking spot easily. Well the first row I turned into there was a spot! She then proceeded to pray to thank God for answer her prayer. God answers even the littlest of prayers!
Well that is enough of a ramble for me today. I'm going to keep my chin up and look toward the positive things in my life. As some would say "Everything is going to be alright maybe not today but eventually."
Sunday, October 21, 2012
A little respect please?
I was talking to my parents on Skype when all of sudden someone started tapping on my window. I just ignored it but two minutes later my roommate ran into my room yelling and she was holding in her hand a Romney sticker. Apparently some boys from our complex put a sticker on our window where we have 3 Obama posters. My roommate told me she heard the boys laugh when she was taking off the sticker. I was so upset at the fact people can be so rude. We are entitled to our own views and opinions. I should have expected something like this especially living in Utah, aka conservative Mormons everywhere. Just because Mitt Romney is a Mormon does not mean I have to vote for. I lean more on the Democratic side and I support Obama. So please leave your childish acts elsewhere and respect other people's views. As Jackie Robinson once said, "I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.”
Saturday, October 20, 2012
My so called life
Lets just say that we have to live a little and do things we won't normally do. Sometimes we should just go with it and hope it works out it in the end. So world live a little and don't let any opportunities get away. And just follow this advice....

Friday, October 19, 2012
I Made a Choice
Recently I have been thinking about a decision that I made months ago. It was probably the most painful and hard thing I have done so far in my life. I had to walk away from someone who I cared about. In the end it came down to my beliefs and this person. I had struggled for months to know what to do but I was scared. I knew what it came down to the whole time. When I look back I don't regret my decision. I will say that for the first couple months after I did and I wish I never walked about but now I am happy, loving life and looking toward the future.
I didn't necessarily make my decision because everyone around was telling my what they thought and trust me they were. I don't want to sound mean toward this person because they were awesome and had a lot of great memories with them but it didn't feel complete or perfect. I guess what I'm saying is that I was trying to convince myself to think it was complete. I was wrong. I shouldn't be with someone who basically tells me to choice between my religion and them. It took more than a year to figure that out.
I saw this on Pinterest the other day:
I didn't necessarily make my decision because everyone around was telling my what they thought and trust me they were. I don't want to sound mean toward this person because they were awesome and had a lot of great memories with them but it didn't feel complete or perfect. I guess what I'm saying is that I was trying to convince myself to think it was complete. I was wrong. I shouldn't be with someone who basically tells me to choice between my religion and them. It took more than a year to figure that out.
I saw this on Pinterest the other day:
I always enjoy reading and hearing Elder Hollands talks. He really gets to the point and to me he seems to really speak to you. I didn't come across this until months after the ordeal but this is basically how I felt. I thought to myself "God will help me" and "I can get through this." There is happiness in store for and there was after. This past summer has been probably the best summer so far. I got to spend it with my friends and strengthen friendships. That was the happiness I had in store at the moment
Now I am happy with choice and it seems they're happy with their choice. We both have moved on. I haven't found anyone else yet but that doesn't mean I'm not happy because at the moment I am happy. I go to an amazing school, part of one of the best marching bands in probably the state of Utah, have amazing roommates, amazing friends and there's a recent addition to my family, baby Jared! At times do I feel sad? Yes I do but only because I miss the memories with that person. I know there's more in store in my life and I don't want to be sad everyday. I'm looking toward the future or as of right now just drowned in school work. I am just living everyday life as though I won't have the same opportunities tomorrow. As some would say "forget what hurt you in the past but never forget what it taught you."
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Haven't posted in a while...
So I have been horrible at blogging recently. There is so much to say that I don't know where to begin. Well a couple weeks ago on the 29th of September I went to an awesome concert which included Neon Trees, Imagine Dragons and Grouplove (my favorite band). The only thing that sucked about it was the traffic on the way there but we just made it in time to see Imagine Dragons. The concert took place in the heart of Salt Lake City at the Gallivan Center. It was differently a different place than good old Provo. First of all it reminded me of home. Salt Lake City is much more diverse than Provo and I saw more of Oregon there than I have any where else in Utah. Although I did have a hard time breathing from all the smoking. Going to school with all Mormons makes less immune to smoking. Lets just say I was coughing a lot whenever we passed people smoking.
Last Tuesday, October 9, was such a stressful day due to homecoming and Rocky Mountain. Last week was homecoming here at BYU and being in the marching band doesn't help to the stress level. We had to perform at the opening ceremonies. The first couple of songs went well but when we had to play the Bond Closer of our show that's where it went downhill. People began to play other songs and it was so embarrassing because we didn't know what we were playing. I was just standing there thinking "oh crap". We finally figured it out. I hurried and changed to get to my class. Later we had the Rocky Mountain Invitational for the high schools in Utah. I was sucked into volunteering at the Q & A table but the only questions we were asked were "where are the bathroom" and "where are the programs". The end of the day of a stressful day ended with an amazing performance of James Bond music Our show was basically the bomb. I wish I can post the video but I will as soon as it's posted on YouTube. I remember performing at marching band competitions in high school but performing for a crowd who appreciate marching band feels indescribable. I marched off that feel thinking to myself "I'm such a band geek."
The week didn't end there. Friday came along and I felt exhausted so I treated myself to mall. Bought myself some new clothes. Whatever I guess. Saturday though was the most exhausting day so far. I'm still sore from it. It was the homecoming football game and the homecoming parade. I woke up with a sore throat and during the parade I couldn't breath. I felt miserable and it didn't also help that I don't like parades at all. I did have fun I guess. How many people can say they were in their college's marching band and was in the homecoming parade? Then there was the football game and it was against Oregon State. I never would have imagined I would be playing Oregon State's fight song but we did during pregame. The cougars did well but the beavers beat them sadly. I do have to say there was a little excitement in my heart because Oregon State is Oregon. And to think I almost went there.
Today I had two midterms and I am just wiped out. I'm already looking forward to the weekend where I can sleep in and not care for a day. I need a day where I can just recover from the last month and a half. Time has really flown by and to think Thanksgiving is only a month away. Well time to end my bad. And remember as FUN. would say "I'll put one foot in front of the other one".
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Where is the weekend?
It's barely Tuesday and I want it to be Saturday and not have anything to do. This week is going to be crazy from a book capture, to a midterm, to a football! Not to mention learning the last song for the James Bond show. I'm such a band geek. Sometimes I ask myself why did I have decide to do marching band here at BYU? Then I remember I don't have a life without band.
To top off being busy this week I'm sick and I feel like crap. I'm not that sick that I have to be in bed all day but I wouldn't mind just sleeping all day long instead of going to class. Well just have to get through this week and then I will have my weekend. Oh wait....I have homework do this weekend. I'm already looking forward to Christmas break in December. During the semester you can never run away from homework. It will always find you no matter how fast you run from it.
The only thing keeping me going is the fact I'm going to a concert this weekend up in Salt Lake City. Going to see Neon Trees, Grouplove, Imagine Dragons and some other bands. I'm really excited to see Grouplove. I LOVE their music. It should be a fun day. Also it will be nice to get away from Provo and go to a big city. Sometimes you need to get a the heck of town to just stay sane. In this case I need to get away so next week I don't flip out when I have another busy week.
Enough of this. Sleep is calling my name. As Imagine Dragons would say "...I'm never changing who I am."
To top off being busy this week I'm sick and I feel like crap. I'm not that sick that I have to be in bed all day but I wouldn't mind just sleeping all day long instead of going to class. Well just have to get through this week and then I will have my weekend. Oh wait....I have homework do this weekend. I'm already looking forward to Christmas break in December. During the semester you can never run away from homework. It will always find you no matter how fast you run from it.
The only thing keeping me going is the fact I'm going to a concert this weekend up in Salt Lake City. Going to see Neon Trees, Grouplove, Imagine Dragons and some other bands. I'm really excited to see Grouplove. I LOVE their music. It should be a fun day. Also it will be nice to get away from Provo and go to a big city. Sometimes you need to get a the heck of town to just stay sane. In this case I need to get away so next week I don't flip out when I have another busy week.
Enough of this. Sleep is calling my name. As Imagine Dragons would say "...I'm never changing who I am."
Friday, September 21, 2012
One day?
I was looking through my Pinterest and found this the other day....

It made me think that sometimes things happen in our life and we may not know why it happened but we just have to believe that it will all make sense one day.
A couple of months ago I was going through that "why did this happen to me" phase. I was pretty much in a hole and couldn't get out of the confusion. I did the only thing that I could think about, just ignore it and move on. I have to say that was probably the best decision. I went on with life, enjoyed my summer, and tried to live everyday to it's fullest.
But does everything really happen for a reason? I haven't gotten to that point in my life where I can say "that choice" was for the better. I can't even say that about my choice of college and I'm in my second year. I keep thinking in the back of my mind "what if" of basically every confusing situation I have been in.
One thing is for sure though one day I will know why crappy things happen in life. Not tomorrow, or the next day, or next week but one day. In Doctrine and Covenants it says "He that is faithful and endureth shall overcome the world." (63:47) That is one of my favorite scriptures because it's so simple and just gets to the point. We can get through this crazy world with all the weird, hard, crazy and insane it throws at us. One it will all make sense.
Okay I am off. Have to get some rest. As my roommate will tell me, "make good choices and remember who you are".
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Most Intense Game Ever!
So it's almost 2:30 in the morning but I want to say what happened today. BYU played against U of U and it was definitely a game I wouldn't forgot. I usually don't get into football games and just want the game to be over but this game was different. I think I screamed so much to not wake up with a voice in the morning. I don't know what got into me. The final score was 24 to 21. Yes BYU lost but it was a good battle, oh wait I mean game. The final goal bounced off the post and we lost but that was after the Utah fans rushed onto the field twice when the game was technically not over. I feel bad for the kicker on that last kick. It bounced of the pole!!! BYU won't be playing Utah for another 3 years. I predict I won't be here by then but I might be wrong. Well besides that game everything was awesome. The halftime show was great. I actually like performing with Utah. Together we can create an amazing sound. The only thing I didn't like about today were the Utah fans and their vulgar remarks. The first tailgate we saw driving in the fans flipped us off. Seriously? Is a football game that important? It's just a game. Not to mention when we marched onto the field they booed us. But there were those fans who were more polite. This lady told us her favorite part of the game was the combined number. I do have to say though I wish we won but sometimes mistakes are done. Now that is enough for tonight. As a fellow band member would say "I appreciate your mistake."
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Starting a blog...letting the cyber world know who I am
So I have decided to start a blog. Who will read I don't know. Maybe someone who needs to hear something I saw will read. Goal for this blog: do at least 3 posts a week. Wish me luck. I also wanted to start this blog because I want to say things but I don't know who to say them too. Then why not tell the whole world?
So I'm in my third week of school and I already want the semester to be over. Isn't that how every college student feels? The past three weeks have consisted of endless ready, two papers, marching band practice that seems to go on forever, and waking up with not enough sleep. Although I was happy that school started up again but I do miss my summer adventures back in Oregon. Utah is for sure a different world than the good old northwest. Utah is just a desert with terrible drivers. I'm not joking. No one uses their blinkers here. Use your effing blinkers! Your car has them for a reason.
There's one thing I just want to get out in the open.....yes I'm a Mormon, Democrat and I support Obama. Lately, especially here in Utah, I feel like I'm a terrible person because of my political views. So what if my not a Republican. Not every Mormon leans toward the conservative side. When it comes to immigration, healthcare, education and taxes I lean towards the Democrat side. So what? Just because Mitt Romney is Mormon and I'm Mormon does not mean I have to vote for him. I simply don't agree with what he has to say. I personally believe President Obama has done a lot for our country in the past four years and I strongly believe he can do even more in the next four years. From his healthcare plan, increasing the pell grant and helping young immigrants, he has helped a lot of people including me. Okay that is enough of my ranting. We will see what happens election day. As for now I'm done. As my roommate will say "remember who are, make good choices".
So I'm in my third week of school and I already want the semester to be over. Isn't that how every college student feels? The past three weeks have consisted of endless ready, two papers, marching band practice that seems to go on forever, and waking up with not enough sleep. Although I was happy that school started up again but I do miss my summer adventures back in Oregon. Utah is for sure a different world than the good old northwest. Utah is just a desert with terrible drivers. I'm not joking. No one uses their blinkers here. Use your effing blinkers! Your car has them for a reason.
There's one thing I just want to get out in the open.....yes I'm a Mormon, Democrat and I support Obama. Lately, especially here in Utah, I feel like I'm a terrible person because of my political views. So what if my not a Republican. Not every Mormon leans toward the conservative side. When it comes to immigration, healthcare, education and taxes I lean towards the Democrat side. So what? Just because Mitt Romney is Mormon and I'm Mormon does not mean I have to vote for him. I simply don't agree with what he has to say. I personally believe President Obama has done a lot for our country in the past four years and I strongly believe he can do even more in the next four years. From his healthcare plan, increasing the pell grant and helping young immigrants, he has helped a lot of people including me. Okay that is enough of my ranting. We will see what happens election day. As for now I'm done. As my roommate will say "remember who are, make good choices".
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